Cost Advantage

Maintaining the Competitive Price Advantage:

One key objective of GTC is to offer our customer what they really want/require. We have found every potential customer considers unit price and lifetime running costs to be a major consideration. Our approach is very pragmatic; we offer machines at realistic prices and excellent value. From years of experience in the industry we have found many new Treadmills price themselves out of the market by inflated pricing (often caused by over marketing and additional unnecessary accessories/gadgets). Because of this we have adopted a 2 pronged approach to offer a truly excellent valued machine.

Value adding not Cost adding.

We have found over 90% of treadmill users only utilise the very basic of functions on most professional gym machines. Our treadmills are developed to offer all key functions and requirements in a simple, practical, ergonomic and intuitive fashion while avoiding expensive and unreliable gimmicks and gizmos. For example, where extensive entertainment systems are fitted to some machines these tend to be obsolete, unused, unserviceable or rendered redundant by in house systems which are easier to integrate. For these reasons we endeavour to identify the real needs of our customer and offer solutions to this requirement. This allows GTC to produce a more cost effective, easy to use and reliable gym Treadmill.

Competitive design/manufacture process.

At GTC we believe in Western In house control of quality, testing and development. Detailed design and development is completed in conjunction with outsourced manufacturing and assembly resource. This minimises overheads and keeps capital investment down. We utilise competitive manufacturing from the Far East for any lower tech component and assembly functions controlled through and in conjunction with regular inspection from GTC. Final inspection, commissioning is undertaken by your local GTC agent Engineer.
This combined approach allows us to produce machines of excellent value and reliability, often costing less than a refurbished treadmill. Additionally our product carries a full warranty offering peace of mind and far better value than a second-hand machine. Our distributors can supply these machines by outright purchase, rental agreement or Lease.
Gym Treadmill Centre - Value for Money
The Gym Treadmill CompanyWe offer machines at realistic prices and excellent value.
Gym  Treadmill Centre - Value for Money